How to Set Up Your VR Training Station

Before downloading your VR software and pairing hardware components, it´s important to ensure your system is equipped with the right specifications, and that your room is optimized for VR training.

In order to begin VR training you will need:

1: Virtual reality headset, audio compatible.

Oculus Rift

2: VR compatible computer. System requirements are:

  • CPU: Intel(r) Core(tm) i7 9th Gen., similar or higher.
  • NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 2070 8GB graphics card, similar or higher.
  • 8GB RAM or higher.
  • 20+ Gb of disk space for optimal performance, minimum 10gb.


3: A space of at Least 3x3m (10x10ft).

4 (Optional): An external screen for examiners to observe users´ performance.

Now that you have completed these steps, you are all set! In order to start using the Linde Virtual Academy,
Check one of the guides below:
LVA: Oculus Rift Setup

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April 20, 2021

3 Reasons Why Virtual Reality is the Future of Plant Operator Training