
Holograms – images that never die

Thinking back to those movies from the 1980s that were set in 2022, we can say that in some ways, the moviemakers got pretty close to what we face today as reality. Their predictions were so creative without knowing even half of the technology we use today, which is pretty…

April 28, 2022
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360 videos vs. virtual reality

We’re sure you’ve experienced a fair share of 360 videos so far, and the glowing reviews are increasing daily. This week, we will talk about 360 videos versus virtual reality (VR). Find out all you need to know about these two technologies and which one is more suitable for the…

April 14, 2022
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VR eye tracking: operator training like never before

In a couple of our previous blogs, we’ve spoken about the benefits of hand tracking for the industry. This amazing feature has enabled us to hugely enhance operator training. But while hand tracking opens up a whole spectrum of new possibilities, we can’t ignore the fact that there is another…

April 3, 2022
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How can gamification improve learning outcomes?

Virtual reality (VR) has completely transformed how we train our operators. The results for Linde Virtual Academy (LVA) include increased safety for trainees and assets, centralized knowledge and significantly increased effectiveness, but we are always on the lookout for further improvements. Today we’ll talk about the rapid growth of gamification…

March 17, 2022
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Augmented reality use cases – fiction or reality?

Augmented reality (AR) is a virtual version of the physical world that helps us to place 3D virtual objects in our space. In a previous blog post we described AR as a great opportunity for forward-thinking businesses. This is an industry with massive potential, and already its incorporation into education,…

March 2, 2022
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Augmented reality – a new opportunity for businesses

Linde Engineering team is known for seeking and exploring the newest technologies and attempting to identify their potential in the oil and gas industry. Although augmented reality (AR) isn’t a new concept, its development is still in its early stages, which is why we’ve decided to talk about it in…

February 17, 2022
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